// CallCode executes the contract associated with the addr with the given input
// as parameters. It also handles any necessary value transfer required and takes
// the necessary steps to create accounts and reverses the state in case of an
// execution error or failed value transfer.
// CallCode differs from Call in the sense that it executes the given address'
// code with the caller as context.
func (evm *EVM) CallCode(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error) {
if evm.vmConfig.NoRecursion && evm.depth > 0 {
return nil, gas, nil
// Fail if we're trying to execute above the call depth limit
if evm.depth > int(params.CallCreateDepth) {
return nil, gas, ErrDepth
// Fail if we're trying to transfer more than the available balance
// Note although it's noop to transfer X ether to caller itself. But
// if caller doesn't have enough balance, it would be an error to allow
// over-charging itself. So the check here is necessary.
if !evm.Context.CanTransfer(evm.StateDB, caller.Address(), value) {
return nil, gas, ErrInsufficientBalance
var snapshot = evm.StateDB.Snapshot()
// It is allowed to call precompiles, even via delegatecall
if p, isPrecompile := evm.precompile(addr); isPrecompile {
ret, gas, err = RunPrecompiledContract(p, input, gas)
} else {
addrCopy := addr
// Initialise a new contract and set the code that is to be used by the EVM.
// The contract is a scoped environment for this execution context only.
contract := NewContract(caller, AccountRef(caller.Address()), value, gas)
contract.SetCallCode(&addrCopy, evm.StateDB.GetCodeHash(addrCopy), evm.StateDB.GetCode(addrCopy))
ret, err = run(evm, contract, input, false)
gas = contract.Gas
if err != nil {
if err != ErrExecutionReverted {
gas = 0
return ret, gas, err
// RunPrecompiledContract runs and evaluates the output of a precompiled contract.
// It returns
// - the returned bytes,
// - the _remaining_ gas,
// - any error that occurred
func RunPrecompiledContract(p PrecompiledContract, input []byte, suppliedGas uint64) (ret []byte, remainingGas uint64, err error) {
gasCost := p.RequiredGas(input)
if suppliedGas < gasCost {
return nil, 0, ErrOutOfGas
suppliedGas -= gasCost
output, err := p.Run(input)
return output, suppliedGas, err
// run runs the given contract and takes care of running precompiles with a fallback to the byte code interpreter.
func run(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, input []byte, readOnly bool) ([]byte, error) {
for _, interpreter := range evm.interpreters {
if interpreter.CanRun(contract.Code) {
if evm.interpreter != interpreter {
// Ensure that the interpreter pointer is set back
// to its current value upon return.
defer func(i Interpreter) {
evm.interpreter = i
evm.interpreter = interpreter
return interpreter.Run(contract, input, readOnly)
return nil, errors.New("no compatible interpreter")
if err != nil {
if err != ErrExecutionReverted {
gas = 0
return ret, gas, err
// DelegateCall executes the contract associated with the addr with the given input
// as parameters. It reverses the state in case of an execution error.
// DelegateCall differs from CallCode in the sense that it executes the given address'
// code with the caller as context and the caller is set to the caller of the caller.
func (evm *EVM) DelegateCall(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error) {
if evm.vmConfig.NoRecursion && evm.depth > 0 {
return nil, gas, nil
// Fail if we're trying to execute above the call depth limit
if evm.depth > int(params.CallCreateDepth) {
return nil, gas, ErrDepth
var snapshot = evm.StateDB.Snapshot()
// It is allowed to call precompiles, even via delegatecall
if p, isPrecompile := evm.precompile(addr); isPrecompile {
ret, gas, err = RunPrecompiledContract(p, input, gas)
} else {
addrCopy := addr
// Initialise a new contract and make initialise the delegate values
contract := NewContract(caller, AccountRef(caller.Address()), nil, gas).AsDelegate()
contract.SetCallCode(&addrCopy, evm.StateDB.GetCodeHash(addrCopy), evm.StateDB.GetCode(addrCopy))
ret, err = run(evm, contract, input, false)
gas = contract.Gas
if err != nil {
if err != ErrExecutionReverted {
gas = 0
return ret, gas, err
// StaticCall executes the contract associated with the addr with the given input
// as parameters while disallowing any modifications to the state during the call.
// Opcodes that attempt to perform such modifications will result in exceptions
// instead of performing the modifications.
func (evm *EVM) StaticCall(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error) {
if evm.vmConfig.NoRecursion && evm.depth > 0 {
return nil, gas, nil
// Fail if we're trying to execute above the call depth limit
if evm.depth > int(params.CallCreateDepth) {
return nil, gas, ErrDepth
// We take a snapshot here. This is a bit counter-intuitive, and could probably be skipped.
// However, even a staticcall is considered a 'touch'. On mainnet, static calls were introduced
// after all empty accounts were deleted, so this is not required. However, if we omit this,
// then certain tests start failing; stRevertTest/RevertPrecompiledTouchExactOOG.json.
// We could change this, but for now it's left for legacy reasons
var snapshot = evm.StateDB.Snapshot()
// We do an AddBalance of zero here, just in order to trigger a touch.
// This doesn't matter on Mainnet, where all empties are gone at the time of Byzantium,
// but is the correct thing to do and matters on other networks, in tests, and potential
// future scenarios
evm.StateDB.AddBalance(addr, big0)
if p, isPrecompile := evm.precompile(addr); isPrecompile {
ret, gas, err = RunPrecompiledContract(p, input, gas)
} else {
// At this point, we use a copy of address. If we don't, the go compiler will
// leak the 'contract' to the outer scope, and make allocation for 'contract'
// even if the actual execution ends on RunPrecompiled above.
addrCopy := addr
// Initialise a new contract and set the code that is to be used by the EVM.
// The contract is a scoped environment for this execution context only.
contract := NewContract(caller, AccountRef(addrCopy), new(big.Int), gas)
contract.SetCallCode(&addrCopy, evm.StateDB.GetCodeHash(addrCopy), evm.StateDB.GetCode(addrCopy))
// When an error was returned by the EVM or when setting the creation code
// above we revert to the snapshot and consume any gas remaining. Additionally
// when we're in Homestead this also counts for code storage gas errors.
ret, err = run(evm, contract, input, true)
gas = contract.Gas
if err != nil {
if err != ErrExecutionReverted {
gas = 0
return ret, gas, err
// CallCode executes the contract associated with the addr with the given input
// as parameters. It also handles any necessary value transfer required and takes
// the necessary steps to create accounts and reverses the state in case of an
// execution error or failed value transfer.
// CallCode differs from Call in the sense that it executes the given address'
// code with the caller as context.
func (evm *EVM) CallCode(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error) {
if evm.vmConfig.NoRecursion && evm.depth > 0 {
return nil, gas, nil
// Fail if we're trying to execute above the call depth limit
if evm.depth > int(params.CallCreateDepth) {
return nil, gas, ErrDepth
// Fail if we're trying to transfer more than the available balance
// Note although it's noop to transfer X ether to caller itself. But
// if caller doesn't have enough balance, it would be an error to allow
// over-charging itself. So the check here is necessary.
if !evm.Context.CanTransfer(evm.StateDB, caller.Address(), value) {
return nil, gas, ErrInsufficientBalance
var snapshot = evm.StateDB.Snapshot()
// It is allowed to call precompiles, even via delegatecall
if p, isPrecompile := evm.precompile(addr); isPrecompile {
ret, gas, err = RunPrecompiledContract(p, input, gas)
} else {
addrCopy := addr
// Initialise a new contract and set the code that is to be used by the EVM.
// The contract is a scoped environment for this execution context only.
contract := NewContract(caller, AccountRef(caller.Address()), value, gas)
contract.SetCallCode(&addrCopy, evm.StateDB.GetCodeHash(addrCopy), evm.StateDB.GetCode(addrCopy))
ret, err = run(evm, contract, input, false)
gas = contract.Gas
func (evm *EVM) precompile(addr common.Address) (PrecompiledContract, bool) {
var precompiles map[common.Address]PrecompiledContract
switch {
case evm.chainRules.IsBerlin:
precompiles = PrecompiledContractsBerlin
case evm.chainRules.IsIstanbul:
precompiles = PrecompiledContractsIstanbul
case evm.chainRules.IsByzantium:
precompiles = PrecompiledContractsByzantium
precompiles = PrecompiledContractsHomestead
p, ok := precompiles[addr]
return p, ok
// filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\params\config.go L616
// Rules wraps ChainConfig and is merely syntactic sugar or can be used for functions
// that do not have or require information about the block.
// Rules is a one time interface meaning that it shouldn't be used in between transition
// phases.
type Rules struct {
ChainID *big.Int
IsHomestead, IsEIP150, IsEIP155, IsEIP158 bool
IsByzantium, IsConstantinople, IsPetersburg, IsIstanbul bool
IsBerlin bool
// PrecompiledContractsHomestead contains the default set of pre-compiled Ethereum
// contracts used in the Frontier and Homestead releases.
var PrecompiledContractsHomestead = map[common.Address]PrecompiledContract{
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1}): &ecrecover{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{2}): &sha256hash{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{3}): &ripemd160hash{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{4}): &dataCopy{},
// PrecompiledContractsByzantium contains the default set of pre-compiled Ethereum
// contracts used in the Byzantium release.
var PrecompiledContractsByzantium = map[common.Address]PrecompiledContract{
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1}): &ecrecover{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{2}): &sha256hash{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{3}): &ripemd160hash{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{4}): &dataCopy{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{5}): &bigModExp{eip2565: false},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{6}): &bn256AddByzantium{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{7}): &bn256ScalarMulByzantium{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{8}): &bn256PairingByzantium{},
// PrecompiledContractsIstanbul contains the default set of pre-compiled Ethereum
// contracts used in the Istanbul release.
var PrecompiledContractsIstanbul = map[common.Address]PrecompiledContract{
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1}): &ecrecover{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{2}): &sha256hash{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{3}): &ripemd160hash{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{4}): &dataCopy{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{5}): &bigModExp{eip2565: false},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{6}): &bn256AddIstanbul{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{7}): &bn256ScalarMulIstanbul{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{8}): &bn256PairingIstanbul{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{9}): &blake2F{},
// PrecompiledContractsBerlin contains the default set of pre-compiled Ethereum
// contracts used in the Berlin release.
var PrecompiledContractsBerlin = map[common.Address]PrecompiledContract{
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1}): &ecrecover{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{2}): &sha256hash{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{3}): &ripemd160hash{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{4}): &dataCopy{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{5}): &bigModExp{eip2565: true},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{6}): &bn256AddIstanbul{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{7}): &bn256ScalarMulIstanbul{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{8}): &bn256PairingIstanbul{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{9}): &blake2F{},
// PrecompiledContractsBLS contains the set of pre-compiled Ethereum
// contracts specified in EIP-2537. These are exported for testing purposes.
var PrecompiledContractsBLS = map[common.Address]PrecompiledContract{
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{10}): &bls12381G1Add{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{11}): &bls12381G1Mul{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{12}): &bls12381G1MultiExp{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{13}): &bls12381G2Add{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{14}): &bls12381G2Mul{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{15}): &bls12381G2MultiExp{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{16}): &bls12381Pairing{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{17}): &bls12381MapG1{},
common.BytesToAddress([]byte{18}): &bls12381MapG2{},
var (
PrecompiledAddressesBerlin []common.Address
PrecompiledAddressesIstanbul []common.Address
PrecompiledAddressesByzantium []common.Address
PrecompiledAddressesHomestead []common.Address
// filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\core\vm\interpreter.go L28
// Config are the configuration options for the Interpreter
type Config struct {
Debug bool // Enables debugging
Tracer Tracer // Opcode logger
NoRecursion bool // Disables call, callcode, delegate call and create
EnablePreimageRecording bool // Enables recording of SHA3/keccak preimages
JumpTable [256]*operation // EVM instruction table, automatically populated if unset
EWASMInterpreter string // External EWASM interpreter options
EVMInterpreter string // External EVM interpreter options
ExtraEips []int // Additional EIPS that are to be enabled
// Interpreter is used to run Ethereum based contracts and will utilise the
// passed environment to query external sources for state information.
// The Interpreter will run the byte code VM based on the passed
// configuration.
type Interpreter interface {
// Run loops and evaluates the contract's code with the given input data and returns
// the return byte-slice and an error if one occurred.
Run(contract *Contract, input []byte, static bool) ([]byte, error)
// CanRun tells if the contract, passed as an argument, can be
// run by the current interpreter. This is meant so that the
// caller can do something like:
// ```golang
// for _, interpreter := range interpreters {
// if interpreter.CanRun(contract.code) {
// interpreter.Run(contract.code, input)
// }
// }
CanRun([]byte) bool
### 解释对象
// filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\core\vm\interpreter.go L92
// NewEVMInterpreter returns a new instance of the Interpreter.
func NewEVMInterpreter(evm *EVM, cfg Config) *EVMInterpreter {
// We use the STOP instruction whether to see
// the jump table was initialised. If it was not
// we'll set the default jump table.
if cfg.JumpTable[STOP] == nil {
var jt JumpTable
switch {
case evm.chainRules.IsBerlin:
jt = berlinInstructionSet
case evm.chainRules.IsIstanbul:
jt = istanbulInstructionSet
case evm.chainRules.IsConstantinople:
jt = constantinopleInstructionSet
case evm.chainRules.IsByzantium:
jt = byzantiumInstructionSet
case evm.chainRules.IsEIP158:
jt = spuriousDragonInstructionSet
case evm.chainRules.IsEIP150:
jt = tangerineWhistleInstructionSet
case evm.chainRules.IsHomestead:
jt = homesteadInstructionSet
jt = frontierInstructionSet
for i, eip := range cfg.ExtraEips {
if err := EnableEIP(eip, &jt); err != nil {
// Disable it, so caller can check if it's activated or not
cfg.ExtraEips = append(cfg.ExtraEips[:i], cfg.ExtraEips[i+1:]...)
log.Error("EIP activation failed", "eip", eip, "error", err)
cfg.JumpTable = jt
return &EVMInterpreter{
evm: evm,
cfg: cfg,
type (
executionFunc func(pc *uint64, interpreter *EVMInterpreter, callContext *ScopeContext) ([]byte, error)
gasFunc func(*EVM, *Contract, *Stack, *Memory, uint64) (uint64, error) // last parameter is the requested memory size as a uint64
// memorySizeFunc returns the required size, and whether the operation overflowed a uint64
memorySizeFunc func(*Stack) (size uint64, overflow bool)
type operation struct {
// execute is the operation function
execute executionFunc
constantGas uint64
dynamicGas gasFunc
// minStack tells how many stack items are required
minStack int
// maxStack specifies the max length the stack can have for this operation
// to not overflow the stack.
maxStack int
// memorySize returns the memory size required for the operation
memorySize memorySizeFunc
halts bool // indicates whether the operation should halt further execution
jumps bool // indicates whether the program counter should not increment
writes bool // determines whether this a state modifying operation
reverts bool // determines whether the operation reverts state (implicitly halts)
returns bool // determines whether the operations sets the return data content
// JumpTable contains the EVM opcodes supported at a given fork.
type JumpTable [256]*operation
// newBerlinInstructionSet returns the frontier, homestead, byzantium,
// contantinople, istanbul, petersburg and berlin instructions.
func newBerlinInstructionSet() JumpTable {
instructionSet := newIstanbulInstructionSet()
enable2929(&instructionSet) // Access lists for trie accesses https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2929
return instructionSet
// newIstanbulInstructionSet returns the frontier, homestead, byzantium,
// contantinople, istanbul and petersburg instructions.
func newIstanbulInstructionSet() JumpTable {
instructionSet := newConstantinopleInstructionSet()
enable1344(&instructionSet) // ChainID opcode - https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1344
enable1884(&instructionSet) // Reprice reader opcodes - https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1884
enable2200(&instructionSet) // Net metered SSTORE - https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2200
return instructionSet
func opAdd(pc *uint64, interpreter *EVMInterpreter, scope *ScopeContext) ([]byte, error) {
x, y := scope.Stack.pop(), scope.Stack.peek()
y.Add(&x, y)
return nil, nil
func opSub(pc *uint64, interpreter *EVMInterpreter, scope *ScopeContext) ([]byte, error) {
x, y := scope.Stack.pop(), scope.Stack.peek()
y.Sub(&x, y)
return nil, nil
func opMul(pc *uint64, interpreter *EVMInterpreter, scope *ScopeContext) ([]byte, error) {
x, y := scope.Stack.pop(), scope.Stack.peek()
y.Mul(&x, y)
return nil, nil
// Increment the call depth which is restricted to 1024
defer func() { in.evm.depth-- }()
// Make sure the readOnly is only set if we aren't in readOnly yet.
// This makes also sure that the readOnly flag isn't removed for child calls.
if readOnly && !in.readOnly {
in.readOnly = true
defer func() { in.readOnly = false }()
// Reset the previous call's return data. It's unimportant to preserve the old buffer
// as every returning call will return new data anyway.
in.returnData = nil
// Don't bother with the execution if there's no code.
if len(contract.Code) == 0 {
return nil, nil
var (
op OpCode // current opcode
mem = NewMemory() // bound memory
stack = newstack() // local stack
callContext = &ScopeContext{
Memory: mem,
Stack: stack,
Contract: contract,
// For optimisation reason we're using uint64 as the program counter.
// It's theoretically possible to go above 2^64. The YP defines the PC
// to be uint256. Practically much less so feasible.
pc = uint64(0) // program counter
cost uint64
// copies used by tracer
pcCopy uint64 // needed for the deferred Tracer
gasCopy uint64 // for Tracer to log gas remaining before execution
logged bool // deferred Tracer should ignore already logged steps
res []byte // result of the opcode execution function
// Don't move this deferrred function, it's placed before the capturestate-deferred method,
// so that it get's executed _after_: the capturestate needs the stacks before
// they are returned to the pools
defer func() {
contract.Input = input
if in.cfg.Debug {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if !logged {
in.cfg.Tracer.CaptureState(in.evm, pcCopy, op, gasCopy, cost, callContext, in.returnData, in.evm.depth, err)
} else {
in.cfg.Tracer.CaptureFault(in.evm, pcCopy, op, gasCopy, cost, callContext, in.evm.depth, err)
steps := 0
for {
if steps%1000 == 0 && atomic.LoadInt32(&in.evm.abort) != 0 {
if in.cfg.Debug {
// Capture pre-execution values for tracing.
logged, pcCopy, gasCopy = false, pc, contract.Gas
// Get the operation from the jump table and validate the stack to ensure there are
// enough stack items available to perform the operation.
op = contract.GetOp(pc)
operation := in.cfg.JumpTable[op]
if operation == nil {
return nil, &ErrInvalidOpCode{opcode: op}
// Validate stack
if sLen := stack.len(); sLen < operation.minStack {
return nil, &ErrStackUnderflow{stackLen: sLen, required: operation.minStack}
} else if sLen > operation.maxStack {
return nil, &ErrStackOverflow{stackLen: sLen, limit: operation.maxStack}
// If the operation is valid, enforce and write restrictions
if in.readOnly && in.evm.chainRules.IsByzantium {
// If the interpreter is operating in readonly mode, make sure no
// state-modifying operation is performed. The 3rd stack item
// for a call operation is the value. Transferring value from one
// account to the others means the state is modified and should also
// return with an error.
if operation.writes || (op == CALL && stack.Back(2).Sign() != 0) {
return nil, ErrWriteProtection
// Static portion of gas
cost = operation.constantGas // For tracing
if !contract.UseGas(operation.constantGas) {
return nil, ErrOutOfGas
var memorySize uint64
// calculate the new memory size and expand the memory to fit
// the operation
// Memory check needs to be done prior to evaluating the dynamic gas portion,
// to detect calculation overflows
if operation.memorySize != nil {
memSize, overflow := operation.memorySize(stack)
if overflow {
return nil, ErrGasUintOverflow
// memory is expanded in words of 32 bytes. Gas
// is also calculated in words.
if memorySize, overflow = math.SafeMul(toWordSize(memSize), 32); overflow {
return nil, ErrGasUintOverflow
// Dynamic portion of gas
// consume the gas and return an error if not enough gas is available.
// cost is explicitly set so that the capture state defer method can get the proper cost
if operation.dynamicGas != nil {
var dynamicCost uint64
dynamicCost, err = operation.dynamicGas(in.evm, contract, stack, mem, memorySize)
cost += dynamicCost // total cost, for debug tracing
if err != nil || !contract.UseGas(dynamicCost) {
return nil, ErrOutOfGas
if memorySize > 0 {
if in.cfg.Debug {
in.cfg.Tracer.CaptureState(in.evm, pc, op, gasCopy, cost, callContext, in.returnData, in.evm.depth, err)
logged = true
// execute the operation
res, err = operation.execute(&pc, in, callContext)
// if the operation clears the return data (e.g. it has returning data)
// set the last return to the result of the operation.
if operation.returns {
in.returnData = common.CopyBytes(res)
switch {
case err != nil:
return nil, err
case operation.reverts:
return res, ErrExecutionReverted
case operation.halts:
return res, nil
case !operation.jumps:
return nil, nil
// OpCode is an EVM opcode
type OpCode byte
// IsPush specifies if an opcode is a PUSH opcode.
func (op OpCode) IsPush() bool {
switch op {
return true
return false
// IsStaticJump specifies if an opcode is JUMP.
func (op OpCode) IsStaticJump() bool {
return op == JUMP
// 0x0 range - arithmetic ops.
const (
STOP OpCode = iota
// 0x10 range - comparison ops.
const (
LT OpCode = iota + 0x10
SHA3 OpCode = 0x20
// 0x30 range - closure state.
const (
ADDRESS OpCode = 0x30 + iota
func (st *Stack) push(d *uint256.Int) {
// NOTE push limit (1024) is checked in baseCheck
st.data = append(st.data, *d)
func (st *Stack) pushN(ds ...uint256.Int) {
// FIXME: Is there a way to pass args by pointers.
st.data = append(st.data, ds...)
func (st *Stack) pop() (ret uint256.Int) {
ret = st.data[len(st.data)-1]
st.data = st.data[:len(st.data)-1]
func (st *Stack) swap(n int) {
st.data[st.len()-n], st.data[st.len()-1] = st.data[st.len()-1], st.data[st.len()-n]
func (st *Stack) dup(n int) {
func (st *Stack) peek() *uint256.Int {
return &st.data[st.len()-1]
// Back returns the n'th item in stack
func (st *Stack) Back(n int) *uint256.Int {
return &st.data[st.len()-n-1]
func gasCall(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
var (
gas uint64
transfersValue = !stack.Back(2).IsZero()
address = common.Address(stack.Back(1).Bytes20())
if evm.chainRules.IsEIP158 {
if transfersValue && evm.StateDB.Empty(address) {
gas += params.CallNewAccountGas
} else if !evm.StateDB.Exist(address) {
gas += params.CallNewAccountGas
if transfersValue {
gas += params.CallValueTransferGas
memoryGas, err := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var overflow bool
if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, memoryGas); overflow {
return 0, ErrGasUintOverflow
evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.chainRules.IsEIP150, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, evm.callGasTemp); overflow {
return 0, ErrGasUintOverflow
return gas, nil
func gasCallCode(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
memoryGas, err := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var (
gas uint64
overflow bool
if stack.Back(2).Sign() != 0 {
gas += params.CallValueTransferGas
if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, memoryGas); overflow {
return 0, ErrGasUintOverflow
evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.chainRules.IsEIP150, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, evm.callGasTemp); overflow {
return 0, ErrGasUintOverflow
return gas, nil
func gasDelegateCall(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
gas, err := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.chainRules.IsEIP150, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var overflow bool
if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, evm.callGasTemp); overflow {
return 0, ErrGasUintOverflow
return gas, nil
func gasStaticCall(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
gas, err := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.chainRules.IsEIP150, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var overflow bool
if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, evm.callGasTemp); overflow {
return 0, ErrGasUintOverflow
return gas, nil
短地址攻击(Short Address Attack)是一种利用以太坊虚拟机(EVM)中的漏洞来盗取资金的攻击方式,该攻击利用了智能合约函数参数解析的不完善性,通过在调用合约函数时传递较短的参数来欺骗合约并获取额外的资金
- 将合约的字节码加载到内存中
- 从字节码中读取前4个字节,确定该字节码对应的操作码
- 根据操作码的类型和参数个数,从字节码中读取相应的参数
- 执行该操作码对应的操作,并将结果保存到栈中
- 重复步骤2到步骤4,直到字节码被完全解析并执行完毕
- 攻击者创建一个恶意的智能合约,并在其中包含一个可触发攻击的函数
- 攻击者计算出一个较短的函数参数哈希值并将其附加到函数调用数据中
- 当其他用户调用该恶意合约的函数时,EVM会根据函数参数哈希值来解析函数调用,但由于短地址攻击的特性,EVM会读取超出函数参数长度的数据
- 攻击者利用这个漏洞,在函数调用之后附加一些恶意的操作码或数据
- 当合约执行时EVM会执行攻击者附加的恶意操作码或数据,从而导致资金被盗取
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract MyToken {
string public name = "MyToken";
string public symbol = "MTK";
uint8 public decimals = 18;
uint256 public totalSupply = 1000000 * 10 ** uint256(decimals);
mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowance;
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
constructor() {
balanceOf[msg.sender] = totalSupply;
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool) {
require(to != address(0), "Invalid address");
require(value <= balanceOf[msg.sender], "Insufficient balance");
balanceOf[msg.sender] -= value;
balanceOf[to] += value;
emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, value);
return true;
function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public returns (bool) {
require(spender != address(0), "Invalid address");
allowance[msg.sender][spender] = value;
emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, value);
return true;
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool) {
require(from != address(0), "Invalid address");
require(to != address(0), "Invalid address");
require(value <= balanceOf[from], "Insufficient balance");
require(value <= allowance[from][msg.sender], "Insufficient allowance");
balanceOf[from] -= value;
balanceOf[to] += value;
allowance[from][msg.sender] -= value;
emit Transfer(from, to, value);
return true;
0xa9059cbb # transfer函数的操作码
000000000000000000000000fedcba9876543210 # 目标地址
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a # 转账金额
- 将合约的字节码加载到内存中
- 从字节码中读取前4个字节,确定该字节码对应的操作码为0xa9059cbb(对应于"transfer"函数)
- 从字节码中读取下一个32个字节的参数,该参数为转账目标地址,为"0xfedcba9876543210"
- 从字节码中读取下一个32个字节的参数,该参数为转账金额,为10
- 执行"transfer"操作,即在合约中将调用者的账户余额减去转账金额并将转账金额加到目标地址的账户余额中,如果执行成功,则将返回true;否则,将返回false
- 在执行过程中会触发Transfer事件,将转账信息记录在区块链上
| Load Bytecode |
| Read Opcode |
| Read Address |
| Read Amount |
| Execute |
| Return |
这里EVM把amount的高位的一个字节的0填充到了address部分,这样使得amount向左移位了1个字节,即向左移位8,这样amount就成了2 << 8 = 512