subDomainsBrute 1.0.3
A simple and fast sub domain brute tool for pentesters. It can rearch as fast as 1000 DNS queries per second.
这个脚本的主要目标是发现其他工具无法探测到的域名, 如Google,aizhan,fofa。高频扫描每秒DNS请求数可超过1000次。
Usage: subDomainsBrute.py [options] target.com
--version show program's version number and exit-h,
--help show this help message and exit
--full Full scan, a large NAMES FILE will be used during the scan
-i, --ignore-intranetIgnore domains pointed to private IPs-o OUTPUT,
--output=OUTPUTOutput file name. default is {target}.txt
参数 -t 已经去掉了,想要设定并发线程的数量,请直接修改dict\dns_servers.txt文件中的行数即可。
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