// fetchHead retrieves the head header and prior pivot block (if available) from
// a remote peer.
func (d *Downloader) fetchHead(p *peerConnection) (head *types.Header, pivot *types.Header, err error) {
p.log.Debug("Retrieving remote chain head")
mode := d.getMode()
// Request the advertised remote head block and wait for the response
latest, _ := p.peer.Head()
fetch := 1
if mode == FastSync {
fetch = 2 // head + pivot headers
go p.peer.RequestHeadersByHash(latest, fetch, fsMinFullBlocks-1, true)
ttl := d.requestTTL()
timeout := time.After(ttl)
for {
select {
case <-d.cancelCh:
return nil, nil, errCanceled
case packet := <-d.headerCh:
// Discard anything not from the origin peer
if packet.PeerId() != p.id {
log.Debug("Received headers from incorrect peer", "peer", packet.PeerId())
// Make sure the peer gave us at least one and at most the requested headers
headers := packet.(*headerPack).headers
if len(headers) == 0 || len(headers) > fetch {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: returned headers %d != requested %d", errBadPeer, len(headers), fetch)
// The first header needs to be the head, validate against the checkpoint
// and request. If only 1 header was returned, make sure there's no pivot
// or there was not one requested.
head := headers[0]
if (mode == FastSync || mode == LightSync) && head.Number.Uint64() < d.checkpoint {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: remote head %d below checkpoint %d", errUnsyncedPeer, head.Number, d.checkpoint)
if len(headers) == 1 {
if mode == FastSync && head.Number.Uint64() > uint64(fsMinFullBlocks) {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: no pivot included along head header", errBadPeer)
p.log.Debug("Remote head identified, no pivot", "number", head.Number, "hash", head.Hash())
return head, nil, nil
// At this point we have 2 headers in total and the first is the
// validated head of the chian. Check the pivot number and return,
pivot := headers[1]
if pivot.Number.Uint64() != head.Number.Uint64()-uint64(fsMinFullBlocks) {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: remote pivot %d != requested %d", errInvalidChain, pivot.Number, head.Number.Uint64()-uint64(fsMinFullBlocks))
return head, pivot, nil
case <-timeout:
p.log.Debug("Waiting for head header timed out", "elapsed", ttl)
return nil, nil, errTimeout
case <-d.bodyCh:
case <-d.receiptCh:
// Out of bounds delivery, ignore
- 如果接收到d.cancelCh通道的信号,表示下载被取消,函数会返回相应的错误
- 如果接收到d.headerProcCh通道的头部块批次,函数会进行一系列处理操作,包括验证和调度头部块
- 如果头部块批次的长度为0,表示头部块已完全处理,函数会做一些处理,包括通知其他相关方和进行一些检查
- 否则函数会将头部块批次分割成小批次并进行相应的处理和调度
// processHeaders takes batches of retrieved headers from an input channel and
// keeps processing and scheduling them into the header chain and downloader's
// queue until the stream ends or a failure occurs.
func (d *Downloader) processHeaders(origin uint64, td *big.Int) error {
// Keep a count of uncertain headers to roll back
var (
rollback uint64 // Zero means no rollback (fine as you can't unroll the genesis)
rollbackErr error
mode = d.getMode()
defer func() {
if rollback > 0 {
lastHeader, lastFastBlock, lastBlock := d.lightchain.CurrentHeader().Number, common.Big0, common.Big0
if mode != LightSync {
lastFastBlock = d.blockchain.CurrentFastBlock().Number()
lastBlock = d.blockchain.CurrentBlock().Number()
if err := d.lightchain.SetHead(rollback - 1); err != nil { // -1 to target the parent of the first uncertain block
// We're already unwinding the stack, only print the error to make it more visible
log.Error("Failed to roll back chain segment", "head", rollback-1, "err", err)
curFastBlock, curBlock := common.Big0, common.Big0
if mode != LightSync {
curFastBlock = d.blockchain.CurrentFastBlock().Number()
curBlock = d.blockchain.CurrentBlock().Number()
log.Warn("Rolled back chain segment",
"header", fmt.Sprintf("%d->%d", lastHeader, d.lightchain.CurrentHeader().Number),
"fast", fmt.Sprintf("%d->%d", lastFastBlock, curFastBlock),
"block", fmt.Sprintf("%d->%d", lastBlock, curBlock), "reason", rollbackErr)
// Wait for batches of headers to process
gotHeaders := false
for {
select {
case <-d.cancelCh:
rollbackErr = errCanceled
return errCanceled
case headers := <-d.headerProcCh:
// Terminate header processing if we synced up
if len(headers) == 0 {
// Notify everyone that headers are fully processed
for _, ch := range []chan bool{d.bodyWakeCh, d.receiptWakeCh} {
select {
case ch <- false:
case <-d.cancelCh:
// If no headers were retrieved at all, the peer violated its TD promise that it had a
// better chain compared to ours. The only exception is if its promised blocks were
// already imported by other means (e.g. fetcher):
// R <remote peer>, L <local node>: Both at block 10
// R: Mine block 11, and propagate it to L
// L: Queue block 11 for import
// L: Notice that R's head and TD increased compared to ours, start sync
// L: Import of block 11 finishes
// L: Sync begins, and finds common ancestor at 11
// L: Request new headers up from 11 (R's TD was higher, it must have something)
// R: Nothing to give
if mode != LightSync {
head := d.blockchain.CurrentBlock()
if !gotHeaders && td.Cmp(d.blockchain.GetTd(head.Hash(), head.NumberU64())) > 0 {
return errStallingPeer
// If fast or light syncing, ensure promised headers are indeed delivered. This is
// needed to detect scenarios where an attacker feeds a bad pivot and then bails out
// of delivering the post-pivot blocks that would flag the invalid content.
// This check cannot be executed "as is" for full imports, since blocks may still be
// queued for processing when the header download completes. However, as long as the
// peer gave us something useful, we're already happy/progressed (above check).
if mode == FastSync || mode == LightSync {
head := d.lightchain.CurrentHeader()
if td.Cmp(d.lightchain.GetTd(head.Hash(), head.Number.Uint64())) > 0 {
return errStallingPeer
// Disable any rollback and return
rollback = 0
return nil
// Otherwise split the chunk of headers into batches and process them
gotHeaders = true
for len(headers) > 0 {
// Terminate if something failed in between processing chunks
select {
case <-d.cancelCh:
rollbackErr = errCanceled
return errCanceled
// Select the next chunk of headers to import
limit := maxHeadersProcess
if limit > len(headers) {
limit = len(headers)
chunk := headers[:limit]
// In case of header only syncing, validate the chunk immediately
if mode == FastSync || mode == LightSync {
// If we're importing pure headers, verify based on their recentness
var pivot uint64
if d.pivotHeader != nil {
pivot = d.pivotHeader.Number.Uint64()
frequency := fsHeaderCheckFrequency
if chunk[len(chunk)-1].Number.Uint64()+uint64(fsHeaderForceVerify) > pivot {
frequency = 1
if n, err := d.lightchain.InsertHeaderChain(chunk, frequency); err != nil {
rollbackErr = err
// If some headers were inserted, track them as uncertain
if (mode == FastSync || frequency > 1) && n > 0 && rollback == 0 {
rollback = chunk[0].Number.Uint64()
log.Warn("Invalid header encountered", "number", chunk[n].Number, "hash", chunk[n].Hash(), "parent", chunk[n].ParentHash, "err", err)
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", errInvalidChain, err)
// All verifications passed, track all headers within the alloted limits
if mode == FastSync {
head := chunk[len(chunk)-1].Number.Uint64()
if head-rollback > uint64(fsHeaderSafetyNet) {
rollback = head - uint64(fsHeaderSafetyNet)
} else {
rollback = 1
// Unless we're doing light chains, schedule the headers for associated content retrieval
if mode == FullSync || mode == FastSync {
// If we've reached the allowed number of pending headers, stall a bit
for d.queue.PendingBlocks() >= maxQueuedHeaders || d.queue.PendingReceipts() >= maxQueuedHeaders {
select {
case <-d.cancelCh:
rollbackErr = errCanceled
return errCanceled
case <-time.After(time.Second):
// Otherwise insert the headers for content retrieval
inserts := d.queue.Schedule(chunk, origin)
if len(inserts) != len(chunk) {
rollbackErr = fmt.Errorf("stale headers: len inserts %v len(chunk) %v", len(inserts), len(chunk))
return fmt.Errorf("%w: stale headers", errBadPeer)
headers = headers[limit:]
origin += uint64(limit)
// Update the highest block number we know if a higher one is found.
if d.syncStatsChainHeight < origin {
d.syncStatsChainHeight = origin - 1
// Signal the content downloaders of the availablility of new tasks
for _, ch := range []chan bool{d.bodyWakeCh, d.receiptWakeCh} {
select {
case ch <- true:
- deliver函数用于将下载的区块体交付给队列进行处理
- expire函数用于检查是否有超时的未传输的区块体,并返回需要过期的区块体的映射
- fetch函数用于向对等节点发送获取区块体的请求
- capacity函数用于获取对等节点的区块处理能力
- setIdle函数用于设置对等节点的区块体状态为闲置
// fetchBodies iteratively downloads the scheduled block bodies, taking any
// available peers, reserving a chunk of blocks for each, waiting for delivery
// and also periodically checking for timeouts.
func (d *Downloader) fetchBodies(from uint64) error {
log.Debug("Downloading block bodies", "origin", from)
var (
deliver = func(packet dataPack) (int, error) {
pack := packet.(*bodyPack)
return d.queue.DeliverBodies(pack.peerID, pack.transactions, pack.uncles)
expire = func() map[string]int { return d.queue.ExpireBodies(d.requestTTL()) }
fetch = func(p *peerConnection, req *fetchRequest) error { return p.FetchBodies(req) }
capacity = func(p *peerConnection) int { return p.BlockCapacity(d.requestRTT()) }
setIdle = func(p *peerConnection, accepted int, deliveryTime time.Time) { p.SetBodiesIdle(accepted, deliveryTime) }
err := d.fetchParts(d.bodyCh, deliver, d.bodyWakeCh, expire,
d.queue.PendingBlocks, d.queue.InFlightBlocks, d.queue.ReserveBodies,
d.bodyFetchHook, fetch, d.queue.CancelBodies, capacity, d.peers.BodyIdlePeers, setIdle, "bodies")
log.Debug("Block body download terminated", "err", err)
return err
// DeliverBodies injects a new batch of block bodies received from a remote node.
func (d *Downloader) DeliverBodies(id string, transactions [][]*types.Transaction, uncles [][]*types.Header) error {
return d.deliver(d.bodyCh, &bodyPack{id, transactions, uncles}, bodyInMeter, bodyDropMeter)
// deliver injects a new batch of data received from a remote node.
func (d *Downloader) deliver(destCh chan dataPack, packet dataPack, inMeter, dropMeter metrics.Meter) (err error) {
// Update the delivery metrics for both good and failed deliveries
defer func() {
if err != nil {
// Deliver or abort if the sync is canceled while queuing
cancel := d.cancelCh
if cancel == nil {
return errNoSyncActive
select {
case destCh <- packet:
return nil
case <-cancel:
return errNoSyncActive
- 如果收到d.cancelCh通道的事件,表示接收到了取消请求,就返回errCanceled错误
- 如果收到deliveryCh通道的事件,表示有数据包传递到达,执行相关处理操作,包括将数据交付给队列处理、检查链的有效性、设置对等节点的状态等
- 如果收到wakeCh通道的事件,表示区块头部的获取操作发送了继续标志,检查是否完成了区块头部的获取
- 如果收到定时器ticker.C的事件,表示定时器触发,执行一些操作,如更新进度
- 如果收到update通道的事件,表示需要更新进度,根据不同的情况执行相应的操作,如检查超时、发送下载请求等
func (d *Downloader) fetchParts(deliveryCh chan dataPack, deliver func(dataPack) (int, error), wakeCh chan bool,
expire func() map[string]int, pending func() int, inFlight func() bool, reserve func(*peerConnection, int) (*fetchRequest, bool, bool),
fetchHook func([]*types.Header), fetch func(*peerConnection, *fetchRequest) error, cancel func(*fetchRequest), capacity func(*peerConnection) int,
idle func() ([]*peerConnection, int), setIdle func(*peerConnection, int, time.Time), kind string) error {
// Create a ticker to detect expired retrieval tasks
ticker := time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
update := make(chan struct{}, 1)
// Prepare the queue and fetch block parts until the block header fetcher's done
finished := false
for {
select {
case <-d.cancelCh:
return errCanceled
case packet := <-deliveryCh:
deliveryTime := time.Now()
// If the peer was previously banned and failed to deliver its pack
// in a reasonable time frame, ignore its message.
if peer := d.peers.Peer(packet.PeerId()); peer != nil {
// Deliver the received chunk of data and check chain validity
accepted, err := deliver(packet)
if errors.Is(err, errInvalidChain) {
return err
// Unless a peer delivered something completely else than requested (usually
// caused by a timed out request which came through in the end), set it to
// idle. If the delivery's stale, the peer should have already been idled.
if !errors.Is(err, errStaleDelivery) {
setIdle(peer, accepted, deliveryTime)
// Issue a log to the user to see what's going on
switch {
case err == nil && packet.Items() == 0:
peer.log.Trace("Requested data not delivered", "type", kind)
case err == nil:
peer.log.Trace("Delivered new batch of data", "type", kind, "count", packet.Stats())
peer.log.Debug("Failed to deliver retrieved data", "type", kind, "err", err)
// Blocks assembled, try to update the progress
select {
case update <- struct{}{}:
case cont := <-wakeCh:
// The header fetcher sent a continuation flag, check if it's done
if !cont {
finished = true
// Headers arrive, try to update the progress
select {
case update <- struct{}{}:
case <-ticker.C:
// Sanity check update the progress
select {
case update <- struct{}{}:
case <-update:
// Short circuit if we lost all our peers
if d.peers.Len() == 0 {
return errNoPeers
// Check for fetch request timeouts and demote the responsible peers
for pid, fails := range expire() {
if peer := d.peers.Peer(pid); peer != nil {
// If a lot of retrieval elements expired, we might have overestimated the remote peer or perhaps
// ourselves. Only reset to minimal throughput but don't drop just yet. If even the minimal times
// out that sync wise we need to get rid of the peer.
// The reason the minimum threshold is 2 is because the downloader tries to estimate the bandwidth
// and latency of a peer separately, which requires pushing the measures capacity a bit and seeing
// how response times reacts, to it always requests one more than the minimum (i.e. min 2).
if fails > 2 {
peer.log.Trace("Data delivery timed out", "type", kind)
setIdle(peer, 0, time.Now())
} else {
peer.log.Debug("Stalling delivery, dropping", "type", kind)
if d.dropPeer == nil {
// The dropPeer method is nil when `--copydb` is used for a local copy.
// Timeouts can occur if e.g. compaction hits at the wrong time, and can be ignored
peer.log.Warn("Downloader wants to drop peer, but peerdrop-function is not set", "peer", pid)
} else {
// If this peer was the master peer, abort sync immediately
master := pid == d.cancelPeer
if master {
return errTimeout
// If there's nothing more to fetch, wait or terminate
if pending() == 0 {
if !inFlight() && finished {
log.Debug("Data fetching completed", "type", kind)
return nil
// Send a download request to all idle peers, until throttled
progressed, throttled, running := false, false, inFlight()
idles, total := idle()
pendCount := pending()
for _, peer := range idles {
// Short circuit if throttling activated
if throttled {
// Short circuit if there is no more available task.
if pendCount = pending(); pendCount == 0 {
// Reserve a chunk of fetches for a peer. A nil can mean either that
// no more headers are available, or that the peer is known not to
// have them.
request, progress, throttle := reserve(peer, capacity(peer))
if progress {
progressed = true
if throttle {
throttled = true
if request == nil {
if request.From > 0 {
peer.log.Trace("Requesting new batch of data", "type", kind, "from", request.From)
} else {
peer.log.Trace("Requesting new batch of data", "type", kind, "count", len(request.Headers), "from", request.Headers[0].Number)
// Fetch the chunk and make sure any errors return the hashes to the queue
if fetchHook != nil {
if err := fetch(peer, request); err != nil {
// Although we could try and make an attempt to fix this, this error really
// means that we've double allocated a fetch task to a peer. If that is the
// case, the internal state of the downloader and the queue is very wrong so
// better hard crash and note the error instead of silently accumulating into
// a much bigger issue.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v: %s fetch assignment failed", peer, kind))
running = true
// Make sure that we have peers available for fetching. If all peers have been tried
// and all failed throw an error
if !progressed && !throttled && !running && len(idles) == total && pendCount > 0 {
return errPeersUnavailable
下面的这段代码定义了一个名为fetchReceipts的方法,用于逐步下载预定的区块收据(transaction receipts),该方法接收一个起始位置from作为参数,表示从哪个位置开始下载收据
// fetchReceipts iteratively downloads the scheduled block receipts, taking any
// available peers, reserving a chunk of receipts for each, waiting for delivery
// and also periodically checking for timeouts.
func (d *Downloader) fetchReceipts(from uint64) error {
log.Debug("Downloading transaction receipts", "origin", from)
var (
deliver = func(packet dataPack) (int, error) {
pack := packet.(*receiptPack)
return d.queue.DeliverReceipts(pack.peerID, pack.receipts)
expire = func() map[string]int { return d.queue.ExpireReceipts(d.requestTTL()) }
fetch = func(p *peerConnection, req *fetchRequest) error { return p.FetchReceipts(req) }
capacity = func(p *peerConnection) int { return p.ReceiptCapacity(d.requestRTT()) }
setIdle = func(p *peerConnection, accepted int, deliveryTime time.Time) {
p.SetReceiptsIdle(accepted, deliveryTime)
err := d.fetchParts(d.receiptCh, deliver, d.receiptWakeCh, expire,
d.queue.PendingReceipts, d.queue.InFlightReceipts, d.queue.ReserveReceipts,
d.receiptFetchHook, fetch, d.queue.CancelReceipts, capacity, d.peers.ReceiptIdlePeers, setIdle, "receipts")
log.Debug("Transaction receipt download terminated", "err", err)
return err
// DeliverReceipts injects a new batch of receipts received from a remote node.
func (d *Downloader) DeliverReceipts(id string, receipts [][]*types.Receipt) error {
return d.deliver(d.receiptCh, &receiptPack{id, receipts}, receiptInMeter, receiptDropMeter)
// deliver injects a new batch of data received from a remote node.
func (d *Downloader) deliver(destCh chan dataPack, packet dataPack, inMeter, dropMeter metrics.Meter) (err error) {
// Update the delivery metrics for both good and failed deliveries
defer func() {
if err != nil {
// Deliver or abort if the sync is canceled while queuing
cancel := d.cancelCh
if cancel == nil {
return errNoSyncActive
select {
case destCh <- packet:
return nil
case <-cancel:
return errNoSyncActive