the**** 移动安全 11848浏览 · 2019-02-01 01:03

众所周知,macOS的沙盒一直是一个神秘的东西,我喜欢利用各种工具并从Jonathan Levin的《*OS Internals》等参考书再或者苹果官方自己都不太清楚的文档中收集的知识来分析它。苹果的安全机制并不是最好的,这不是什么新鲜事。沙盒技术有很长的历史,macOS的用户被沙盒保护已经有很长一段时间了,随着时间的推移,沙盒变得越来越强大。苹果一直在尽其所能加强其操作系统中的沙盒和其他许多安全机制,下面就让我们一起深入了解一下macOS沙盒的神奇之处。

0x01 背景

苹果首次使用沙盒技术是在其OS X 10.5(Leopard)中,它被称为“SeatBelt”(安全带)。正如这个词语的意思一样,它就像在汽车旅行中为了安全而系上安全带一样,强制开发人员在应用程序上使用沙盒技术,以限制其对系统的访问。正如你想象的那样,没有多少开发者会这样做,而且由于“安全带”的最初概念是自愿限制,所以苹果也做不了什么。结合MandatoryAccessControl (MAC)Framework,沙盒的想法肯定不错,但离成功还很远。MACF框架是苹果设备的整个安全模型构建的基础。

在OS X 10.7中,苹果公司吸取了OS X 10.5的教训,沙盒现在已经不再任由开发人员在应用程序上是否使用,默认情况下是强制执行的。即使是今天在macOS Mojave上,苹果仍然强制使用沙盒,基于应用程序拥有的权限(。如果应用程序具有此权限,它将被放置在沙盒中,而不是考虑开发人员的意愿。也就是说,在新系统中开发者的意见是没有意义的,因为上传到Appstore的程序是由苹果公司签名的,在签名过程中,苹果公司在程序上授予沙盒权限,从而迫使所有Appstore中的程序沙盒化。

需要注意的是,与iOS的沙盒相比,macOS更容易操作。在iOS上,第三方程序均不可能逃脱沙盒,除非你使用沙盒逃逸技术,而大多数这种情况下是由内核漏洞或沙盒漏洞导致的(越狱)。所有第三方程序,不管它是从哪里安装的,都放在/var/mobile/containers/var/containers两目录中。从ios8开始,这些目录发生了很大的变化,创建了新的文件夹,移动了程序资源,静态数据和运行时数据分离,所以在旧的iOS上,你可以找到安装在/var/mobile/Applications甚至/var/mobile/ containers/bundl /中的程序。任何在/var/中的东西都要被沙盒化,因为你不能直接在其他地方安装你的程序,除非你越狱了。在macOS上,只有Appstore中的程序是沙盒的。如果你从开发人员网站直接下载DMG镜像中的程序,那么它很可能不受沙盒限制。

0x02 工作原理




在macOS上,沙箱本身不是单个文件或单个进程,它被分割成多个组件,比如位于/usr/libexec/sandboxd目录中的userland daemon,这是 (Kernel Extension),还有依赖于AppContainer.FrameworkAppSandbox私有框架。正如你所见,多个组件一起工作来实现本文所诉的程序沙箱。

在终端中运行kextstat | grep“sand”命令,可以看到macOS上的kext处于活动状态。

Isabella:/ geosn0w$ kextstat | grep "sand"
   381 0xffffff7f811a3000 (300.0) BDFF700A-6746-3643-A0A1-852628695B04 <37 30 18 7 6 5 4 3 2 1>
Isabella:/ geosn0w$

沙箱是多个MACF策略模块之一。AMFI (Apple Mobile File Integrity)的协同设计是另一个模块。

0x03 测试:根据授权决定macOS上的应用程序是否沙盒化

正如之前所提到的,该应用被沙盒化的一个明显迹象是应用程序二进制文件中是否需要权限。我们可以使用很多工具检查macOS上的权限,利用Jonathan Levin的jtool这个工具,运行命令./jtool--ent /Applications/AppName.在终端app中,我们可以看到程序所拥有的全部权限。以iHex为例,Appstore中的只需要OpenBoardView权限。DMG格式如下:


需要注意的是,权限是存在的,并且密钥被设置为true,此程序将被沙盒化。现在,正如你所见,这些权利是以类似于XML的格式列出的,它们实际上位于 .PLIST or Property List 文件中,而属性列表文件只不过是美化的XML。PLISTs可以采用二进制格式,可以使用命令plutil -convert xml1 -o将其转换为可读的格式。


现在让我们来看看OpenBoardView,这是一款未从App Store下载的应用程序。

如你所见,程序没有任何权限。它不会被沙盒化,这意味着它可以比任何应用程序商店应用程序访问更多的源代码。 的权限并不是iHEX开发人员自己添加的,它是由苹果官方在App Store审核的过程中自动添加的。

另一种检查程序是否被沙盒化的方法是运行asctl sandbox check --pid XYZ命令,其中XYZ是程序的PID(Process ID)。可以从macOS上的Activity Monitor程序获得正在运行的进程的PID。下面是asctl命令的输出。

0x04 执行流程


找到iHEX 的 Container ,将目录切到上面提到的路径,然后运行ls -lF com.hewbo.hexeditorcom.hewbo.hexeditor是iHex的CFBundleIndentifier(在.app文件夹中可以找到Info.Plist)。


0x05 沙盒化

在内部启动应用程序时,内核将调用mac_execve函数,可以在XNU源代码中看到。__mac_execve几乎会加载二进制文件,但它也会检查MAC label,看看是否应该强制执行沙箱。

 * __mac_execve
 * Parameters:    uap->fname        File name to exec
 *        uap->argp        Argument list
 *        uap->envp        Environment list
 *        uap->mac_p        MAC label supplied by caller
 * Returns:    0            Success
 *        EINVAL            Invalid argument
 *        ENOTSUP            Not supported
 *        ENOEXEC            Executable file format error
 *    exec_activate_image:EINVAL    Invalid argument
 *    exec_activate_image:EACCES    Permission denied
 *    exec_activate_image:EINTR    Interrupted function
 *    exec_activate_image:ENOMEM    Not enough space
 *    exec_activate_image:EFAULT    Bad address
 *    exec_activate_image:ENAMETOOLONG    Filename too long
 *    exec_activate_image:ENOEXEC    Executable file format error
 *    exec_activate_image:ETXTBSY    Text file busy [misuse of error code]
 *    exec_activate_image:EBADEXEC    The executable is corrupt/unknown
 *    exec_activate_image:???
 *    mac_execve_enter:???
 * TODO:    Dynamic linker header address on stack is copied via suword()
__mac_execve(proc_t p, struct __mac_execve_args *uap, int32_t *retval)
    char *bufp = NULL; 
    struct image_params *imgp;
    struct vnode_attr *vap;
    struct vnode_attr *origvap;
    int error;
    char alt_p_comm[sizeof(p->p_comm)] = {0};    /* for PowerPC */
    int is_64 = IS_64BIT_PROCESS(p);
    struct vfs_context context;

    context.vc_thread = current_thread();
    context.vc_ucred = kauth_cred_proc_ref(p);    /* XXX must NOT be kauth_cred_get() */

    /* Allocate a big chunk for locals instead of using stack since these  
     * structures a pretty big.
    MALLOC(bufp, char *, (sizeof(*imgp) + sizeof(*vap) + sizeof(*origvap)), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
    imgp = (struct image_params *) bufp;
    if (bufp == NULL) {
        error = ENOMEM;
        goto exit_with_error;
    vap = (struct vnode_attr *) (bufp + sizeof(*imgp));
    origvap = (struct vnode_attr *) (bufp + sizeof(*imgp) + sizeof(*vap));

    /* Initialize the common data in the image_params structure */
    imgp->ip_user_fname = uap->fname;
    imgp->ip_user_argv = uap->argp;
    imgp->ip_user_envv = uap->envp;
    imgp->ip_vattr = vap;
    imgp->ip_origvattr = origvap;
    imgp->ip_vfs_context = &context;
    imgp->ip_flags = (is_64 ? IMGPF_WAS_64BIT : IMGPF_NONE) | ((p->p_flag & P_DISABLE_ASLR) ? IMGPF_DISABLE_ASLR : IMGPF_NONE);
    imgp->ip_p_comm = alt_p_comm;        /* for PowerPC */
    imgp->ip_seg = (is_64 ? UIO_USERSPACE64 : UIO_USERSPACE32);

    if (uap->mac_p != USER_ADDR_NULL) {
        error = mac_execve_enter(uap->mac_p, imgp);
        if (error) {
            goto exit_with_error;

    error = exec_activate_image(imgp);


    /* Image not claimed by any activator? */
    if (error == -1)
        error = ENOEXEC;

    if (error == 0) {
        exec_resettextvp(p, imgp);
        error = check_for_signature(p, imgp);
    if (imgp->ip_vp != NULLVP)
    if (imgp->ip_strings)
    if (imgp->ip_execlabelp)
    if (imgp->ip_scriptlabelp)
    if (!error) {
        struct uthread    *uthread;

        /* Sever any extant thread affinity */

        uthread = get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
        if (uthread->uu_flag & UT_VFORK) {
            vfork_return(p, retval, p->p_pid);
    } else {
        DTRACE_PROC1(exec__failure, int, error);

    if (bufp != NULL) {
        FREE(bufp, M_TEMP);



secinitd 守护进程将承认这样一个事实:如果存在权限,沙盒应该被强制执行,那么它将调用AppSandbox.Framework来创建沙盒配置文件。创建概要文件之后,secinitd将返回一条XPC message,其中包含CONTAINER_ID_KEY、CONTAINER_ROOT_PATH_KEY、SANDBOX_PROFILE_DATA_KEY和其他数据。该信息将由_libsecinit_setup_app_sandbox解析,然后该sandbox落入__sandbox_ms中,从而创建程序的沙盒并在运行时将其包含。


0x06 实验:跟踪运行时创建的程序沙盒


Last login: Thu Dec 27 16:44:59 on ttys000
Isabella:~ geosn0w$ lldb /Applications/ 
(lldb) target create "/Applications/"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Applications/", line 98, in <module>
    import six
ImportError: No module named six
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'run_one_line' is not defined
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
Current executable set to '/Applications/' (x86_64).
(lldb) b xpc_pipe_routine
Breakpoint 1: where = libxpc.dylib`xpc_pipe_routine, address = 0x0000000000005c40
(lldb) b __sandbox_ms
Breakpoint 2: where = libsystem_kernel.dylib`__mac_syscall, address = 0x000000000001c648
(lldb) run
Process 12594 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
    frame #0: 0x00007fff6a75ec40 libxpc.dylib`xpc_pipe_routine
->  0x7fff6a75ec40 <+0>: pushq  %rbp
    0x7fff6a75ec41 <+1>: movq   %rsp, %rbp
    0x7fff6a75ec44 <+4>: pushq  %r15
    0x7fff6a75ec46 <+6>: pushq  %r14
Target 0: (iHex) stopped.
(lldb) c
Process 12594 resuming
Process 12594 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
    frame #0: 0x00007fff6a75ec40 libxpc.dylib`xpc_pipe_routine
->  0x7fff6a75ec40 <+0>: pushq  %rbp
    0x7fff6a75ec41 <+1>: movq   %rsp, %rbp
    0x7fff6a75ec44 <+4>: pushq  %r15
    0x7fff6a75ec46 <+6>: pushq  %r14
Target 0: (iHex) stopped.


(lldb) bt
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
  * frame #0: 0x00007fff6a75ec40 libxpc.dylib`xpc_pipe_routine
    frame #1: 0x00007fff6a75eaad libxpc.dylib`_xpc_interface_routine + 167
    frame #2: 0x00007fff6a7650b5 libxpc.dylib`_xpc_uncork_domain + 529
    frame #3: 0x00007fff6a75ad85 libxpc.dylib`_libxpc_initializer + 1053
    frame #4: 0x00007fff680aa9c8 libSystem.B.dylib`libSystem_initializer + 126
    frame #5: 0x0000000100582ac6 dyld`ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 420
    frame #6: 0x0000000100582cf6 dyld`ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 40
    frame #18: 0x000000010056d3d4 dyld`dyldbootstrap::start(macho_header const*, int, char const**, long, macho_header const*, unsigned long*) + 453
    frame #19: 0x000000010056d1d2 dyld`_dyld_start + 54
(lldb) c
Process 12594 resuming
Process 12594 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
    frame #0: 0x00007fff6a75ec40 libxpc.dylib`xpc_pipe_routine
->  0x7fff6a75ec40 <+0>: pushq  %rbp
    0x7fff6a75ec41 <+1>: movq   %rsp, %rbp
    0x7fff6a75ec44 <+4>: pushq  %r15
    0x7fff6a75ec46 <+6>: pushq  %r14
Target 0: (iHex) stopped.


(lldb) bt
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
  * frame #0: 0x00007fff6a75ec40 libxpc.dylib`xpc_pipe_routine
    frame #1: 0x00007fff6a75eaad libxpc.dylib`_xpc_interface_routine + 167
    frame #2: 0x00007fff6a75e5d3 libxpc.dylib`bootstrap_look_up3 + 185
    frame #3: 0x00007fff6a75e4ff libxpc.dylib`bootstrap_look_up2 + 41
    frame #4: 0x00007fff6a7609d7 libxpc.dylib`xpc_pipe_create + 60
    frame #5: 0x00007fff6a500485 libsystem_info.dylib`_mbr_xpc_pipe + 261
    frame #6: 0x00007fff6a50033f libsystem_info.dylib`_mbr_od_available + 15
    frame #7: 0x00007fff6a4fffe5 libsystem_info.dylib`mbr_identifier_translate + 645
    frame #8: 0x00007fff6a4ffbf5 libsystem_info.dylib`mbr_identifier_to_uuid + 53
    frame #9: 0x00007fff6a4ffbba libsystem_info.dylib`mbr_uid_to_uuid + 42
    frame #10: 0x00007fff6a734db4 libsystem_secinit.dylib`_libsecinit_setup_secinitd_client + 728
    frame #11: 0x00007fff6a734a7b libsystem_secinit.dylib`_libsecinit_initialize_once + 13
    frame #12: 0x00007fff6a3d5db8 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_client_callout + 8
    frame #13: 0x00007fff6a3d5d6b libdispatch.dylib`dispatch_once_f + 41
    frame #14: 0x00007fff680aa9d2 libSystem.B.dylib`libSystem_initializer + 136
    frame #29: 0x000000010056d1d2 dyld`_dyld_start + 54

找到所需的xpc_pipe_create函数。可以使用p (char *) xpc_copy_description($rsi)查看通过XPC管道发送的消息,这调试非常有用。使用RSI寄存器作为消息的第二个参数(第一个参数是管道)。

(lldb) p (char *) xpc_copy_description($rsi)
(char *) $0 = 0x0000000101101fa0 "<dictionary: 0x10100c430> { count = 9, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =\n\t"subsystem" => <uint64: 0x10100c7a0>: 5\n\t"handle" => <uint64: 0x10100c540>: 0\n\t"instance" => <uuid: 0x10100c6e0> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\n\t"routine" => <uint64: 0x10100c800>: 207\n\t"flags" => <uint64: 0x10100c750>: 8\n\t"name" => <string: 0x10100c620> { length = 42, contents = "" }\n\t"type" => <uint64: 0x10100c4f0>: 7\n\t"targetpid" => <int64: 0x10100c680>: 0\n\t"domain-port" => <mach send right: 0x10100c590> { name = 1799, right = send, urefs = 5 }\n}"


(lldb) c
Process 12594 resuming
Process 12594 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
    frame #0: 0x00007fff6a75ec40 libxpc.dylib`xpc_pipe_routine
->  0x7fff6a75ec40 <+0>: pushq  %rbp
    0x7fff6a75ec41 <+1>: movq   %rsp, %rbp
    0x7fff6a75ec44 <+4>: pushq  %r15
    0x7fff6a75ec46 <+6>: pushq  %r14
Target 0: (iHex) stopped.
(lldb) c
Process 12594 resuming
Process 12594 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
    frame #0: 0x00007fff6a75ec40 libxpc.dylib`xpc_pipe_routine
->  0x7fff6a75ec40 <+0>: pushq  %rbp
    0x7fff6a75ec41 <+1>: movq   %rsp, %rbp
    0x7fff6a75ec44 <+4>: pushq  %r15
    0x7fff6a75ec46 <+6>: pushq  %r14
Target 0: (iHex) stopped.
(lldb) p (char *) xpc_copy_description($rsi)
(char *) $5 = 0x0000000102821a00 "<dictionary: 0x1010051b0> { count = 11, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =\n\t"SECINITD_REGISTRATION_MESSAGE_SHORT_NAME_KEY" => <string: 0x10100c2d0> { length = 4, contents = "iHex" }\n\t"SECINITD_REGISTRATION_MESSAGE_IS_SANDBOX_CANDIDATE_KEY" => <bool: 0x7fffa2befb98>: true\n\t"SECINITD_REGISTRATION_MESSAGE_ENTITLEMENTS_DICT_KEY" => <dictionary: 0x101009690> { count = 6, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =\n\t\t"" => <bool: 0x7fffa2befb98>: true\n\t\t"" => <string: 0x101009a60> { length = 30, contents = "" }\n\t\t"" => <bool: 0x7fffa2befb98>: true\n\t\t"" => <bool: 0x7fffa2befb98>: true\n\t\t"" => <string: 0x101002ec0> { length = 10, contents = "A9TT2D59XS" }\n\t\t"" => <bool: 0x7fffa2befb98>: true\n\t}\n\t"SECINITD_REGISTRATION_MESSAGE_LIBRARY_VALIDATION_KEY" => <bool: 0x7fffa2befbb8>: false\n"

包含程序的权限以及它是否是沙盒的候选项的宝贵信息。正如所见,SECINITD_REGISTRATION_MESSAGE_IS_SANDBOX_CANDIDATE_KEY设置为bool true,并且确实拥有权限。


(lldb) bt
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
  * frame #0: 0x00007fff6a55f648 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__mac_syscall
    frame #1: 0x00007fff6a731bc9 libsystem_sandbox.dylib`sandbox_container_path_for_pid + 63
    frame #2: 0x00007fff6a4edd0c libsystem_coreservices.dylib`_dirhelper_init + 159
    frame #3: 0x00007fff6a71cf00 libsystem_platform.dylib`_os_once + 33
    frame #4: 0x00007fff6a4ee754 libsystem_coreservices.dylib`_dirhelper + 1873
    frame #5: 0x00007fff6a4604e9 libsystem_c.dylib`confstr + 525
    frame #6: 0x00007fff6a7354a5 libsystem_secinit.dylib`_libsecinit_setup_app_sandbox + 474 # As you can see, the Sandbox is set.
    frame #7: 0x00007fff6a734a82 libsystem_secinit.dylib`_libsecinit_initialize_once + 20
    frame #8: 0x00007fff6a3d5db8 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_client_callout + 8
    frame #9: 0x00007fff6a3d5d6b libdispatch.dylib`dispatch_once_f + 41
    frame #10: 0x00007fff680aa9d2 libSystem.B.dylib`libSystem_initializer + 136
    frame #11: 0x0000000100582ac6 dyld`ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 420
    frame #12: 0x0000000100582cf6 dyld`ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 40
    frame #13: 0x000000010057e218 dyld`ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, char const*, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&, ImageLoader::UninitedUpwards&) + 330
    frame #14: 0x000000010057e1ab dyld`ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, char const*, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&, ImageLoader::UninitedUpwards&) + 221
    frame #15: 0x000000010057e1ab dyld`ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, char const*, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&, ImageLoader::UninitedUpwards&) + 221
    frame #16: 0x000000010057e1ab dyld`ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, char const*, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&, ImageLoader::UninitedUpwards&) + 221
    frame #17: 0x000000010057e1ab dyld`ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, char const*, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&, ImageLoader::UninitedUpwards&) + 221
    frame #18: 0x000000010057e1ab dyld`ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, char const*, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&, ImageLoader::UninitedUpwards&) + 221
    frame #19: 0x000000010057e1ab dyld`ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, char const*, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&, ImageLoader::UninitedUpwards&) + 221
    frame #20: 0x000000010057d34e dyld`ImageLoader::processInitializers(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&, ImageLoader::UninitedUpwards&) + 134
    frame #21: 0x000000010057d3e2 dyld`ImageLoader::runInitializers(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 74
    frame #22: 0x000000010056e567 dyld`dyld::initializeMainExecutable() + 196
    frame #23: 0x0000000100573239 dyld`dyld::_main(macho_header const*, unsigned long, int, char const**, char const**, char const**, unsigned long*) + 7242
    frame #24: 0x000000010056d3d4 dyld`dyldbootstrap::start(macho_header const*, int, char const**, long, macho_header const*, unsigned long*) + 453
    frame #25: 0x000000010056d1d2 dyld`_dyld_start + 54

接下来,调用libsystem_secinit_libsecinit_setup_app_sandbox。这意味着沙盒已经创建好了,将在开始的时候把程序放入沙盒中。接下来的几个continue命令将最终落入libsystem_sandbox.dylibsandbox_check_common中。最后进入LaunchServices,然后通过AppKit ' -[NSApplication init]启动应用程序。

(lldb) c
Process 13280 resuming
Process 13280 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
    frame #0: 0x00007fff6a55f648 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__mac_syscall
->  0x7fff6a55f648 <+0>:  movl   $0x200017d, %eax          ; imm = 0x200017D 
    0x7fff6a55f64d <+5>:  movq   %rcx, %r10
    0x7fff6a55f650 <+8>:  syscall 
    0x7fff6a55f652 <+10>: jae    0x7fff6a55f65c            ; <+20>
Target 0: (iHex) stopped.
(lldb) bt
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
  * frame #0: 0x00007fff6a55f648 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__mac_syscall
    frame #1: 0x00007fff6a731646 libsystem_sandbox.dylib`sandbox_check_common + 322
    frame #2: 0x00007fff6a7318f9 libsystem_sandbox.dylib`sandbox_check_by_audit_token + 177
    frame #3: 0x00007fff43ae952e LaunchServices`_LSIsAuditTokenSandboxed + 149
    frame #4: 0x00007fff6a3d5db8 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_client_callout + 8
    frame #5: 0x00007fff6a3d5d6b libdispatch.dylib`dispatch_once_f + 41
    frame #6: 0x00007fff439c7ed1 LaunchServices`_LSIsCurrentProcessSandboxed + 178
    frame #7: 0x00007fff43ae92ec LaunchServices`_LSCheckMachPortAccessForAuditToken + 72
    frame #8: 0x00007fff43ae9448 LaunchServices`_LSCheckLSDServiceAccessForAuditToken + 153
    frame #9: 0x00007fff439c097a LaunchServices`_LSRegisterSelf + 64
    frame #10: 0x00007fff439b9a7c LaunchServices`_LSApplicationCheckIn + 5420
    frame #11: 0x00007fff40d7192c HIServices`_RegisterApplication + 4617
    frame #12: 0x00007fff40d7064c HIServices`GetCurrentProcess + 24
    frame #13: 0x00007fff417cf4ab HIToolbox`MenuBarInstance::GetAggregateUIMode(unsigned int*, unsigned int*) + 63
    frame #14: 0x00007fff417cf435 HIToolbox`MenuBarInstance::IsVisible() + 51
    frame #15: 0x00007fff3fa71197 AppKit`_NSInitializeAppContext + 35
    frame #16: 0x00007fff3fa70590 AppKit`-[NSApplication init] + 443
    frame #17: 0x00007fff3fa701e6 AppKit`+[NSApplication sharedApplication] + 138
    frame #18: 0x00007fff3fa718b2 AppKit`NSApplicationMain + 356
    frame #19: 0x0000000100001c04 iHex`___lldb_unnamed_symbol1$$iHex + 52



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